Il n'y a pas d'âge pour commencer à écouter :
- De belles voix
- De vrais instruments
- Des musiques différentes
- Un son de qualité
Mackenzie Leighton : Vocals, author
Maxime Aubry : Composition, instruments, mixing
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
Wanting to fly but he didn’t know how
To use his new wings to glide safely down
Humpty Dumpty safe in his nest
Humpty Dumpty needed a rest
All of his friends went flying on by
He thought he’d give it another try
Humpty, you know you make us all proud
Dumpty, just lift your feet off the ground
Humpty, you know you make us all proud
Dumpty, just lift your feet off the ground
Humpty Dumpty sat in the trees
Humpty Dumpty spotted some seeds
determined to soar he ran fast and jumped
and used his new wings to gather them up
Humpty, you know you make us all proud
Dumpty, just lift your feet off the ground
Humpty, you know you make us all proud
Dumpty, just lift your feet off the ground
Humpty, you know you make us all proud
Dumpty, just lift your feet off the ground
Humpty, you know you make us all proud
Dumpty, just lift your feet off the ground
with all your friends flying high in the sky
ready to soar even higher next time